VIP Class Notes (Mike)


author (n)  a writer of a book

rejection (n) to be refused
ie. J.K. Rowling received a lot of rejections when writing the book.

tie (v) 
ie. I tied his shoelace to the desk.
tie (n) 领带
ie. My dad is wearing a red tie today.

signal (n) 信号
ie. The TV has really bad signal.

spring (n) 弹簧
ie. I lost the spring in my pen!


did not: something did not happen in the past
have not: something has not happened yet, but might happen in the future.

Speaking exercise

I don’t watch it.
I haven’t watched it.

Mr. Bean bought a TV and he usually put some big things on his car and arrived home the bean and other things to his home.
Mr. Bean bought a TV and he tied it on his car. When he arrived home, he brought the TV in as well.

The light will come in.

The TV doesn’t turn on
The TV is not on

I hadn’t go to the Disney Land.
I did not go to the Disney Land this summer.