Online Class Notes (Jesse)


I don’t need to care thatcare about that

1 more people1 more person 


retreat – run away from a fight

absorb – take sth in

vitality – life / health


opponent – a POE nent 

absorption – ab ZORB shen

vitality – vai TAL li tee

hallucinate – hal LOO sin nayt

Speaking exercise

Mrs Wicket tied the box with the food in it to the rope and Mr Bean pulls it up. After that, Mr Bean shows the food to the guest who is mad and complains about it. The bed collapses and it fall on the woman so the man yells at Mr Bean. Mrs Wicket came in say to the woman are you ok? the woman say OK and stare at the man. Then, they leave the hotel with their luggage, and the woman taught Mr Bean a Japanese word which was “sayonara” which means goodbye. 

Mrs Wicket ties the box with the food in it to the rope and Mr Bean pulls it up. After that, Mr Bean shows the food to the guest who is mad and complains about it. The bed collapses and it falls on the woman so the man yells at Mr Bean. Mrs Wicket comes in and says to the woman “are you ok?” the woman says “OK” and stares at the man. Then, they leave the hotel with their luggage, and the woman taught Mr Bean a Japanese word which was “sayonara” which means goodbye. 

Then, the wall reconstructed itself, and they got to another dead end! “What should we do?!” said Cocoa. “You don’t need to worry about that, I know what to do” Onie said. Onie tried to find the diary of her great great grandma, but it actually fell on the other side when Onie is throwing the flowers. So Onie can only press that brick and get the diary but suddenly the wall reconstructed. Cocoa and Sonia pressed the button, then Onie quickly ran out and said “phew!”. She looked in the diary and finally found out how to go through. It says “this is a dead end”, but it’s actually not a real dead end, it’s a mirage. Then, Onie said “let’s blow out the walls, then a few walls would disappear” so they start blowing at the walls and 2 of them disappeared. Then they keep going on. They walked and walked and suddenly Onie pressed down on a button. There was a tunnel that goes into the sea trench. Meanwhile Orange Head and his friends were in the sea trench too and they met all together. Then Orange Head, Cocoa, and Orissa said “ahhh there’s ghosts!”. “No” said Onie, and Blackie, and Speckie “Hey, let’s be friends!” said Orange Head. “OK” said everyone, “good idea” added Cocoa. Then they went deeper and deeper into the tunnel to find the undersea egg! Everyone said “wait where are you going?” except Cocoa, Sonia and Onie didn’t speak. Onie said “we’re here to find the undersea egg!”. “We are here to play” said Specky! “Want to come find the undersea egg with us?” said Onie. “Okay” said Specky. Then they swam deeper and deeper. Specky suddenly had a question. She said “Wait stop, maybe there’s a trap!.” “No” said Onie, “because my great great grandmother wrote a diary and inside the diary had a secret place that is here and the secret tunnel can go anywhere in the ocean, even on land!”. “OMG” said everyone except Onie who didn’t say anything. Then they swam deeper… and suddenly there was a sound which sounded like a gulp and a howl.

They found out is was a itty bitty octopus who is coughing and is ill, and they all said “phew!!”, except Onie. Suddenly, a sea snake slithered out and said “Are you looking for the undersea egg?” in a very ridiculous voice. Onie said “who are you?”. The sea snake said “I’m Orrie, your grandmother’s long lost friend but when we were friends and still together, I was just 10 years old, but now she has been killed by someone called “Tamaren”. Onie said “how do you know that?”, Blackie repeated the question. Orrie said “I was there swimming in the sea, then I saw that battle – the great great grandmother and Tamaren fighting”. Then they said “wow! can you explain what it looked like when they were fighting?” said Orrissa. Orrie thought “hah, I lied to them and they didn’t realise, so I can actually lie to them and lead them to a trap… heheeeheee!!!” she thought to herself.

The Dark Blue Eye – the lost sunken city.

Orange Head (6) is a male fish who likes to go to the Cool Sea Park to dance.

Blackie (7) is a female fish who likes to eat seaweed and she likes to swim too!

Specky (5) is a female xray fish and she likes to zap things, but she wouldn’t zap any sea creatures.

Orrissa (8) is a male starfish who has a big family and he likes meeting new sea creatures and befriending them, and she likes to go to the Cool Sea Park to play games with her friends.

Lashia (9) is a female seal pup who likes to eat fish but she wouldn’t eat her friends.

Orlly (7) is a male narwal who likes to jump out of the sea and spin in the air, then lands in the sea for fun.

Sonia (10) is a female jellyfish who would tickle anyone that is mean to her and she would never ever ever ever tickle her friends, just for fun.

Onie (13) is a female octopus adventurer who really likes to go on adventures!

Cocoa (11) is a female killer whale who likes to play catch and hide and seek. Plus, she is very friendly and nice but sometimes she is very funny or we don’t understand what she is trying to say.

Orri (18) is a girl sea snake who is a female pirate that wants to get Onie’s great great grandma’s diary but she is very good at making fake things and making people hallucinate, and sometimes she’ll even lie or trick someone into doing something.

Tamaren (21) is a female shark who is friends with Orri and wants to get Onie’s great great grandma’s diary so they help each other secretly.