VIP Class Notes (Mike)


Issues in Chinese Education Systems


dissident (n) 持不同政见者

detail-oriented (adj)

venison 鹿肉

apricot 杏子

persimmon 柿子

mulberry 桑葚

passionfruit 百香果

durian 榴莲

plum 李子

dragonfruit 火龙果


papaya 木瓜

cantaloupe 哈密瓜

pros and cons (n) good/positive sides and bad/negative sides

page-turner (n) books that are attractive and easy to read.

dense (adj) 

dim – bright 

commute (v) time spent on going to and coming back from work

slang (n) = idiom 俚语,熟语,成语

to be immersed in sth 

wrist (n) 手腕

waist (n) 腰


。。。。。, though

although – used in the beginning of a sentence

person – people 

one person, two people, three people