VIP Class Notes (Mike)


interior design

suicide (n)
to commit suicide

-cide: to kill
homicide (n) 杀人罪
pesticide (n) 杀虫剂
patricide (n) 弑父

depression (n) 抑郁症


ready-made (adj.) 现成的

dilemma (n)
trilemma (n)

variant (n)



Speaking exercise

We were talk about the weather in Internet.
We were talking about the weather online.

It’s about to be finished.
It’s approaching the end.

printed version

Our CEO is working in the HQ locate in Denmark.
Our CEO works in our HQ in Denmark.

We will behind the schedule.
We will fall behind the schedule.

No one of us is aware of
None of us thought about it,

It is a mistake that should be avoided.

Learn from the lesson.

We gained a lot of experience on time management, the importance of pre-neg communication etc.. from this project.

His brain was damaged,

take the covid test.
do a covid test,

First, we need to adapt their content into a form that fits our template, and this is going to be time-consuming. My advice is: we hire a graphic designer to do this.

Second, we need to hire a tech guy to upload the pages individually. Or I would be willing to do this if I have the access.

The last thing is the language. As was requested by the client, the project needs to be delivered in Chinese, which means that we can not leave this project to the Danish team. My suggestion is that we outsource it to a Chinese tech company. I did some research, and it’s gonna be XXX.

I don’t know exactly how long this is going to take, but I do know that our client can give us 2 more weeks. I will contact the people/sides involved to get a better understanding of the DDL.

By the end of this week, I will give you and DD a specific timeline.