F2F Class Notes (Mike)

Writing exercise

I liked photograph before, so i always watch some photography exhibitions. I watched one of exhibitions which is about people. This topic means we can’t really belong to anywhere, but we can contact with them. This topic
attracted me, and the author of this exhibition had produced by one of the band hao meime, and after i like listen to their songs

I liked/was really into photography a few years ago, so I went to many exhibitions. One of the exhibitions I went to is about people. A lot of people live in one place for their entire life without having any connections to it, and to me, it is important to have a meaningful connection with the landscape and the people.

This theme attracted me. The exhibition was created by one of the the members of a band called Haomeimei, and after that/since then, I started to listen to their songs.


efficient (adj.) 有效率的
efficiency (n) low-high
inefficient (adj.) 无效率的

photograph (n)
photography (n)

subject (n)

contact (v/n) 接触,联系
connect (v) 连接 – connection
This train connects A and B.
This bridge connects Pudong and Puxi.

create (v)

explore (v) 探险,探索

contemporary (adj.) 当代的
modern (adj.) 现代的
temporary (adj.) 临时的

post-colonial 后殖民的

consumption (n) 消费,消耗
consume (v)
consumer (n)

saturate (v) 充斥着,饱满

metaphor (n) 隐喻

Speaking exercise

she explores Asian femininity, her personal family history, and articulates a critical position within contemporary post-colonial consumption saturated Britain.

In this painting, a goddess-like figure is holding a weapon, around her neck is a snake. These things make me think that she is a powerful woman. On the other parts of the painting, there are different types of popsicles, some took the shape of a lipstick, and some are filled with candy. To me, this is a metaphor for our consumerism society.