VIP Class Notes (Mike)


Write about your thoughts on women’s role in the workplace.

Writing exercise

At work, I usually enjoy working with colleagues who are efficient and responsible.

For exmpale, when I am working on a project or an important email with a co-worker, if my co-worker is always responsive, get everything done on time, then everything will run smoothly. We can reach many things together. And from that, we build a relationship of mutual trust and good cooperation. It also facilitates the spirit of teamwork.

At work, I usually enjoy working with efficient and responsible colleagues.

When working with a co-worker who is always responsive and gets everything done on time, everything will run smoothly. We can accomplish many things together. With that as a base, we can form/build a relationship of mutual trust and good cooperation, which significantly promotes teamwork.


run-on sentence 连写句
I love to write papers, I would like to write one every week if I had the time.
I love to write papers. I would like to write one every week if I had the time.

booster shot 加强针

mandatory (adj.) 强制性的

military personnel

efficacy rate 有效率
A’s ~ is higher than B’s


campare – comparison

Sino- China related
Sino-US relationship

Sino-Tibetan Language System 汉藏语系

Sinology 汉学 – Sinologist 汉学家

trace (n/v) 踪迹,溯源

suspect (n)
suspect (v)

alphabet (n) 字母表
alphabetical (adj.) 字母的,按字母顺序的


instruct (v)

matter (v) 重要

runny (adj.) 水分过多的



Speaking exercise

less or more
more or less

I don’t have any background about design.
I don’t have any background in designing.

They are capable on their job.
They are capable of doing many things.

Why I have this concern, because I …..
The reason why I have this concern is because I …. 

What kind of person he/she is matters more than his/her capability.

I understand your point.
I get it/I see. 

In the long run

ruin the chemistry
break the bond

He/she would break the current bond.
She/he would ruin the chemistry we have at the moment.