VIP Class Notes (Mike)


scooter (n) = moped   电瓶车

exact = specific (adj.) 具体的 general

from scratch. 从零开始/东山再起
My father built this company from scratch.

professional (adj.)

stingy (adj.)  the opposite of generous

stipend (n) 补贴

burn out 筋疲力竭
I got burned out after 2 years of working.

frequency (n) 频率

compensate (v) 补偿,给钱 – compensation (n) 补偿金
If I work OT, will I be compensated?

discipline (n) 纪律性,管控
self-discipline 自律

when it comes to = in terms of 关于,在…方面

punctual (adj.) 准时的 = punctuality (n) 准时性

to be firm on your stance
stance (n) 姿态,态度,姿势,立场

law firm (n) 律师事务所

actualize (v) 实现,落实

I also learn how to make an idea become true.
I also learned how to actualize an idea into a video or a Wechat article.

put …. into …. 落实
put ideas into concrete projects.

concrete (n) 混凝土
(adj.) 具体的 – abstract 抽象的

Speaking exercise

I have been working for 6 years at 2 dif companies.
In the past 6 yrs, I worked for 2 …

And my recent position is PM for a Shanghai-based production agency.

I need to do everything including strategy, communication with client or manage my team.
I need to do things from strategy planning, communicate with our clients as well as managing my team.

Basically, it’s every project I need to do 0-10.
Basically, I need to do things from scratch. 

intense schedule
tight schedule

we need to confirm every detail about the shooting.
We need to confirm the details regarding the shooting process with ABC, things like …

Their commitment to professionalism is not so strong.

set a clear boundary

rigid (adj.) 僵硬的, 固化的,坚硬的

There is still some room for improvement for my …

How many annual leaves I have?
How long is the annual leave here for someone who is just starting?