VIP Class Notes (Mike)


vocabulary (n) 词汇量

benefit (v)
This new medicine can benefit those who are resistant to therapies.

inner voice

fatigue (n) 疲劳,劳累

overwork (v) 工作过度
I was overworked last month.

autonomy (n) 自主性

tedious (adj.) 枯燥的,无味的

considerate (adj.) 会考虑别人想法的,考虑周全的

caring 照顾人的,体贴的

bottleneck period 瓶颈期

over night  一夜之间


My son is tired.
My son is tiring. 我的儿子让人感到累

Speaking exercise

It is a little tired for me.
It is a little tiring for me.

the 2 jobs are complete different.

I don’t know if the job fits me or not.

foreign people 

rushed decision 急匆匆的决定

I learned much more medical knowledge
I gained more knowledge in giving out the right medicine this year.

He has grown a lot, and also learned the rules of interacting with people,

one of my goals was to spend more time and energy on educating my son.
one of my goals was to be more dedicated to my son’s education.

Did you set any goals for yourself in the beginning of this year?