VIP Class Notes (Mike)


storyline 故事线

plot (n) 情节

gig: a live performance by musicians

under construction 正在建设中
This area is under construction, that’s why there is so much noise.

boulder (n) A gigantic rock/stone

collapse (v) 崩塌
(n) 崩溃
Having been neglected for years, the house collapsed.
She suffered a complete collapse.

slingshot (n) 弹弓

furious (adj.) extremely angry
Jerry got furious when he found out that Tom stole his aircraft.

revenge (v) 复仇 – avenger 复仇者
Avengers Assemble 复仇者联盟
He revenged his dead brother.

shrug (v) 耸肩,抬肩
PP shrugged his shoulder to indicate that he didn’t do anything.
He shrugged his low opinion of the occupant of the room.