VIP Class Notes (Mike)


ideal (adj.) 完美的,理想的

share with: 共享
share to: 分享给
I want to share this website with you. 

childish (adj.) 像孩子一样的, 幼稚的

teenager – teen 青少年
teenhood 青春期

behave (v) – behavior (n) 动作,行为
Tom behaves like a little kid sometimes.
Tom has some childish behavior.

roof (n) 屋顶

hammer (n) 锤子

ax = axe 斧头

violent (adj.) 暴力的
I have a classmate who is quite violent.

transfer (v) 转换
He transferred to another school.
I transferred 20o yuan to you on Wechat.

manga (n) 日本动漫

comic books 漫画书

character (n) 角色,汉字
My fav character in Harry Potter is HG.
This foreigner knows 500 Chinese characters.

merchandise (n) – merch 周边,商品

chase 追
The lion is chasing a sheep.
They like to run around and chase each other.

gossip (v/n) 绯闻,八卦

firework 烟花

fire crackers 爆竹

first grade = grade one
Reana is in 8th grade
Reana is in grade 8
Reana is an 8th grader.

in common 共同点
Reana and L share a lot in common.

entertainment show 综艺,娱乐节目

observe (v) 观察 – observer 观察员/者
We like to ~ flowers.


say 说: say sth to sb
I said: “You are so boring.”
I said to Mary: “……”
“You are boring”, said Reana.

speak 讲话,讲
speak to: 对…. 说
speak with: 和……说
He can speak 5 languages.
He speaks 5 languages.

tell 告诉: sb tell sb something = sb tell sth to sb

talk 和…说话,谈论…
talk about 谈论
talk with:  和…说话
talk to: 跟….谈话
I like to talk about movies with her.

chat (v) 聊天
I want to chat with you.
We chatted for 2 hours yesterday.



Speaking exercise

it’s not something.
It’s not special.
There is nothing special about my school.

i want to have some other country students to have class.
I wish our school could have some international students.

they always say loudly during relaxed time.
They are always talking/speaking loudly during breaks.

20 or 30: 20-30
20 to 30 people

because there is no same hobbies
Because we don’t share the same hobbies.

to see your phone
To be on your phone

I have a friend who is on his phone for more than 6 hours everyday.

We not in same school.
We are not in the same school.