VIP Class Notes (Mike)


cut down  减少
I don’t want to cut down my candy intake.

emoji (n) 表情包
My favorite emoji is the second one.

attract (v) 吸引
What attracts you the most about New York?

The Empire Building 帝国大厦

horrified (adj.) = scared
horrifying (adj.) = scary
I am horrified by a monster.
I think the shark is horrifying.

stormy (adj.) windy and rainy

mirage (n) 海市蜃楼

abandoned (adj.) 被人抛弃的
I saw an abandoned dog near my school the other day.
abandoned house 弃屋

fortune teller 算命的人

prophet (n) 先知

weight scale 体重秤

safe (n) 保险箱

accident (n) 意外 – accidents

hesitate – hesitation (n) 犹豫
I was hesitating before I decided to help him.
Your hesitation costed you 3,000 kuai.

