F2F Class Notes (Ally)


Why do you want to move out? What is it like living with your parents?


jog my memory: 唤起我的记忆

translate: 翻译

rebel: 叛逆

theme song: 主题曲




routine work:usual job

apart from: except
ie. Apart from your daily responsibilities, what else do you have to do at work?

pathetic: 可怜的; 可悲的; 令人怜惜的; 无力的; 不成功的
ie. “Don’t rush me” is a pathetic reply.


speak : languages,louder, softer

say/tell me: information

half past – “what time is it?”

Speaking exercise

tens of …

life of chongqing
chongqing’s life
Life in Chongqing

Because I only speak a little about them.
Because I can only tell you/say a little about them.

I can only play a little

I wait in the exit
I waited near the exit

30 minutes
half an hour

I listened one of his songs for thousand times this year
I listened to one of his songs for thousand times this year

If some customer want to some extra discount, I can communicate with my colleague
If customers want extra discounts, I would communicate with my colleagues

the most problem is price
Most of the problems are about price

It need to opportunity
The new job needs to be a good opportunity.
I am waiting for an opportunity.