VIP Class Notes (Mike)


A is for input
B is for output

vivid (adj.) 逼真的

China Mobile

effect 效果 –  special effect 特效
effective 有效的
efficient 有效率的
efficiency (n) 效率
efficacy (n) 有效率 –  the ~ of Bio-tech vaccine is 90%

affect (v) 影响
affection (n) 喜爱,爱情,感情,钟爱

impact (v/n) – influence (v/n) – influential (adj.)

infect (v) 感染 – infection (n)
he was infected last week.

auditory (adj.) 听觉的

regular tuning


capital (adj.)
capitalize a letter
in upper case
in lower case
The G in “God” is always in upper case

wordy 冗长的

Speaking exercise

we also can
we can also