Online Class Notes (Mike)

Writing exercise

Last week,I finished big case while reaping the rewards. The case is the most instructive in my work assignment than any other.
The cultural builidings are building treasure of outstanding buildings,that let me know more. But they have fire safety hidden danger .
They need a highly formalized system of assessment 来解决这个问题

Last week,I finished a big and fruitful case. The case was the most constructive one in my work assignments. These artistic cultural relics have a lot of history. They deepened my understanding of SH’s history. But they have the danger of catching fire. They need a highly standardized system of assessment to solve the problem.


meaningful (adj.)
fruitful (adj.) 有结果的,丰产的,富饶的,有收益的

ancient (adj.) 古老的

artistic (adj.) 有艺术气息的(人或物)

the danger of sth

miscarriage (n) 流产

be greeted with 以…相待

skepticism (n) 怀疑,疑虑

tolerance (n) 宽容度

indifference (n) 冷漠

enthusiasm (n) 热情

vulnerable (adj.) 脆弱的

invisible (adj.) 隐形的

outside – inside

decade (n) 十年
in the past decade
in the past 4 decades

compensation 补偿,赔偿

fire (n)

under fire 受攻击

payout 支出

bonus 奖金,津贴


be supposed to = should

bias (n) 偏见


proxy statement (n) 委托投票书;委托书

class-action 集体诉讼