VIP Class Notes (Mike)


cursor (n) 光标
I learned how to use the mouse to move the cursor last week.

push-up (n) 俯卧撑
My dad can do 30 push-ups 

pull-up (n) 引体向上
I can only do 5 pull-ups

trampoline (n) 蹦床
My parents bought me a trampoline last summer 

bodybuilder (n) 健身的人,健美先生

parachute (n) 降落伞
You need to pull the parachute cord at height 4,000m

manual: instruction book 手册

ejector seat (n) 弹射座舱

eject (v) 弹射
He was ejected from the jet when a fire was detected.

take off 
He was not able to take off the shoes

remove (v) 移走
I removed the stickers from my book

roller skate (n) 旱冰鞋

roller coaster (n) 过山车

skate-board (n) 滑板

leak (v) 漏水,漏
The pipe is leaking, we need to fix it.

discharge (v) to be allowed to leave the hospital
I was in the hospital for 2 weeks and I was discharged 3 days ago.

remote (adj.) very far
I went to a remote village, it took me 3 days to get there

staff (n) 拐杖

Speaking exercise

PP thought he was he was too fat so he want to the gym to make him fitter. Then he did plenty of things.
PP thought he wasn’t fit enough, so he went to the gym to work out. he did a variety of exercises.

One day PP saw some jet and he went to a plane and start flying around. He was dropped like a bomb and the second time he was ejected from the jet, finally the security came and he ran away.
One day PP saw some jets and he hopped on a plane and started to fly around. For the first time, he was dropped like a bomb and the second time he was ejected from the jet, finally the security came and he ran away.