VIP Class Notes (Mason) [S]


Amphitheater –  a large outdoor theater for shows
eg. There is a famous amphitheater in Arles, France.

Elope – to run away and get married in secret
eg. Did you hear? Jane and john eloped in Hawaii.


It was built one hundred ago – It was built one hundred years ago

From one hand – On one hand

Speaking exercise


He has create such a acheivement as a president and before that he was a successful businessman. He is good at negociating with his oppponent or even with his partners. from the economic side maybe he is good, as a president I think he is kind of childish and he is the only president who will just tweet anything. Maybe he thinks of as twitter as a private. As a president he should pay most attention to his behavior and his twitter language. He should act like a real president and not a child. 


It is a good achievement to become president and before that he was a successful businessman. He is good at negotiating with his opponents and his partners. He is good on the economic side, but as a president I think he is kind of childish. He is the only president who will just tweet anything that comes to mind. Maybe he thinks of as twitter as a private. As a president he should pay more attention to his behavior and his twitter language. He should act like a real president and not a child.