VIP Class Notes (Mason)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


Prefer – to like better
eg. I prefer swimming to playing piano.

Bunkbed – a bed for two people where one bed is on top and one is on bottom.
eg. My friend tiger has a bunkbed in his room.

Problem – 问题
eg. Sometimes I have problems with my homework.

Grade – 年级 where you are in school
eg. Next year I will be in 3rd grade.

Once a week – 一个星期一次
eg. I go to my grandpa’s house once a week

Seahorse – an animal that lives in the sea
Image result for seahorse

Pig meat – Pork
Cow meat – Beef/Steak
Chicken meat – Chicken
Lamb meat – Mutton


Play piano. swim. Write summer homeworkToday I played piano, went swimming, and finished some summer homework

My mother don’t make me eat chocolate – My mother doesn’t let me eat chocolate.

Yesterday my friend birthday. I go to his home play. – Yesterday was my friend‘s birthday. I went to his house to play.