VIP Class Notes (Maddie)


some common questions to ask someone when you meet up:

-what did you have for lunch? = asking about what the other person has eaten at lunch

-what else? = hai you shen me?

-how did you get here?
-by metro.

-how long did it take? (duo shao shi jian)
-one hour in total. (yi gong 1 xiao shi)

chair vs armchair

-what do you prefer?
-I prefer armchairs.

Chinese zodiac 属相
e.g. my Chinese zodiac sign is the snake.

adventure: something exciting and risky
e.g. they’re going on an adventure.

parrot: colourful birds that can mimic various sounds
e.g. parrots can speak like humans.

seagull: common sea bird
e.g. a seagull stole my chips on the beach.

shopping: gou wu
e.g. i don’t like shopping that much.

listen to music: ting yin yue
e.g. i listen to music every day.

cook: shao fan
e.g., my grandma is the one that cooks in my family.


chess c.f cheese
tch-e-s vs tch-ee-z