VIP Class Notes (Maddie)

final exams/finals: the exams you take towards the end of a semester

after: 以后
e.g., my parents and i are going to hangzhou after my final exams.

west lake: 西湖

air quality: 空气质量

pollution: 污染

e.g., we check air quality index every day to know whether the air pollution is bad or not.

plan: 计划; something you are going to do
e.g., i plan to bring some clothes, books, a toothbrush, two towels, a big quilt, and a pillow with me to hangzhou.

snacks: 零食

pace: the speed of life
e.g., the pace in hz is slower than that in shanghai.

before: 之前
e.g., have you been to hz before?

half: 1/2
e.g., we can see half a west lake when we go outside.

stay: to live (somewhere) for a short period of time
e.g., we will stay at two different hotels in hz.

spin: rotate
e.g., we’ll have dinner at a spinning restaurant tonight.

annoying: 烦人的
e.g., she’s very annoying.

honest: 诚实的
e.g, sometimes she’s not honest/dishonest.

lie to someone: to be dishonest about something
e.g., he lied to me once and i hated it.

ski: 滑雪
e.g., he skis very fast.

steak: 牛排
e.g., steak is my favourite food.

chainsaw: 电锯

sticky rice cake: 年糕

purpose: 目的
e.g., there’s a purpose in everyone’s life.

Speaking exercise

it’s likes the one book
it’s like the first book

no more people in my class like her.
nobody in my class likes her.