VIP Class Notes (Maddie)

Today we focused on:

  1. reviewed the vocab on the flashcards
  2. learned words from watching pingu



quilt: 被子

rocket:the spacecraft that travels very fast; 火箭

queen:the wife of a king; 皇后

new words

tower: a tall, narrow building; 塔

rug: a piece of textile on the floor; 地毯

oven: 烤箱
e.g., pingu is using an oven to bake a cake

cook: v. to make food n. someone that cooks.
e.g., i cooked some noodles for breakfast this morning.
e.g., he’s a really good cook.

stove: something used for cooking or heating in kitchen; 火炉

melt: goes from ice to water
e.g., pingu’s medal melted because it’s made of ice.

track: the thing that trains run on; 轨道

truck: 卡车

share: to give something to someone else
e.g., sharing your food and hobbies is a good way to make new friends.

food: what you eat

stay positive: stay happy about everything