VIP Class Notes (Maddie)


plural forms of nouns:
we have 8 classes/lessons from Monday to Wednesday.
our school has 2 gates


insert: to add something somewhere
e.g., we can insert a picture here.

sarcastic: use irony to express dissatisfaction 讽刺的

stressful: full of stress/pressure
stressed: feeling a lot of stress
e.g. she’s quite stressed because finals are coming.

odd numbers: 1,3,5,7…
even numbers: 2,4,6,8…

to correct mistakes: 订正
e.g. we need to correct the mistakes we made in homework.

all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.


put on c.f. wear
e.g. I put on my shoes before leaving home every morning.
e.g. I wear this jacket from Monday to Friday.


poo – not pool