VIP Class Notes (Maddie)

Today we focused on:

unit 44 can’s and cant’s; unit 45: adverbs(regular and irrgular; be good/bad at)


climb: klaim

lift: lift

her: hurh

ocean: eushen

bike, drive: baik & draiv

heavy: hevi; same with bread, breakfast

loud: laud; same with wow, house

excellently: eksuhlently

race: /reis/

easily: /i:zili/


tent: 帐篷

hit (hit)vs. hate (heit): 打 vs 讨厌

hard: adj. 困难的;坚硬的;adv. 用力地
e.g. the homework is really hard.
e.g. the surface of the desk is really hard
e.g. she works so hard that she goes to bed at midnight every day.

chess vs. cheese: 象棋&芝士



  1. a&an are indefinite; the is definite;
  2. the+可数名词单数或可数名词复数表示一类
    pigs are smart. / the pig is smart. =/= this pig is smart.
  3. go to the gym

i am/was good/bad at

Speaking exercise

i can’t have breakfast at home.

i can’t leave work at 6 pm/on time.