VIP Class Notes (Maddie)

Today we focused on:

unit  42: expressing preference; unit 43: abilities; unit 44: cans& cannots

Speaking exercise

how often do you go to gym?
how often do you go to the gym?

what do you favourite book?
what do is/are you favourite type of books?
my favourite type of books is/are sci-fi.

what do you like? i (do) like what.


ride: raid, instead of rid

shout: /ʃaʊt/-two vowels

live: live 生存  laiv 直播

boxes: bok-siz

ow: /au/ cow; town; wow

her: huh-; not hi-er

short e vs. short i

climb: kl-ai-m

short /ɒ/ sound: box, lot, what


subtract: 减

whisper: 悄悄话

dance to xxx: 随…起舞