F2F Class Notes (Mark)

Day 2, Session 4: From Assembly to Impact
Purpose: To promote good practice in the use of data and information to generate better decisions and recommendations for the business.

From Assembly to Impact
Hello everyone! Welcome back!
In a moment I’ll post a link in the Zoom chat to take us to the new Mural board. Click on the link in the Zoom chat once to open the link. Please note, you can’t copy-paste from the Zoom chat. When the link opens, you’ll get the option to add your name – please do, then wait for my next instruction.
If the link opens in Internet Explorer, copy the link out of the address line in Internet Explorer and then add it manually into your Chrome, Edge or Firefox browser.
<Or add followings>
Please let us know if it does not work or not. / Does it work for everyone? Please kindly let us know if someone need help.
In the first part of this module, we saw how Finance can create even more value for all three bottom lines, and the role technology can play in that value creation.
Today, we’ll explore some principles of how to work and communicate effectively in a technology and data rich environment.
Before we dive into today’s content, we shared a variety of tasks with you at the end of the last session. You’re now going into breakout rooms for a 10 minute ‘Maximizer Mingle’ to discuss what action you took. If you took no action – discuss what you learned from not doing this action. This is about opportunity, not compliance. Any questions?
<Or add followings>
What we established that technology can help Finance maximize value through enhancing customer and colleague experiences and increasing operational efficiencies.
IN your break rooms, discuss what action you took.
If you took no action – discuss what you learned from not doing this action. This is about opportunity, not compliance.
You’re now going into breakout rooms for a ten minute ‘Maximizer Mingle’ to discuss what action you took. Any questions?
Open breakout rooms/ Close breakout rooms
Let’s explore some examples of working with these technologies and reflect on what we could do individually to maximize value with technology.
Who would like to share the examples that what you established that technology can help Finance maximize value through enhancing customer and colleague experiences and increasing operational efficiencies.
Hear 2-3 examples.
Part of our responsibility as leaders is to identify what would help us most in delivering value, then implement the technologies with the greatest benefit while communicating this with our Colleagues.
Sounds like you really maximized value with these actions. Let’s reward maximizer points for that!
Thanks for sharing your updates and learning. Let’s begin ‘From Assembly to Impact’.

Here is a framework by the Chartered Global Management Accountant organization (CGMA.org), on how we get from generic information to impact for our business. CGMA observes that a majority of the Finance function spend much of their time and focus on “Information” and “Insight” – assembling data, analyzing, and verifying to be safe.

To be credible business leaders, we in Finance need to play an active role all the way through. Often that means getting to “Influence” and “Impact” faster and spending more time on it than we do today.
Today, more data and new technologies like Dashboards and Algorithms are available to us. They can be an obstacle when they get us stuck on analyzing. On the other hand, they can also help us to reach “Influence” and “Impact” more effectively and faster, if we apply some principles when working with data.
We’re going to explore that in more detail with an activity. Get ready for Max. points!
Black box activity ( total 30mins)
For this activity you will work in 3 teams. On screen you can see instructions and cards. Each team will work in their own space identical to this one.
Take your time to read the instructions and give us a thumbs up when you are done.
Do not speak to allow everyone to read and digest at their own pace.
These are the breakout groups: [Names] are in Team Monkeys. Please move to Mural area “6 Bird”, [names] … are in Team Birds, please move to, etc.
You have 24 minutes, starting now.
Close breakout rooms.
Ask for final portfolio submissions and listen to the rationale given by each team.
Award Maximizer points as follows:
Debrief (10 mins)
What did you do in this activity to get to a solid recommendation?
Look for:
• Going fast – those who checked portfolios earlier had better returns
• Understanding the bigger picture – those that collaborated to achieve a common goal for the business
• Identify key drivers – those who found out which symbols really matter (the dice, the podium and the Greek numeral)
• Diversify data and information sources – paying for extra information, seeking information proactively, asking other teams for their insights
• Experiment, hypothesize and test – more submitted portfolios reduce the level of uncertainty
How much of your budget have you got left? What does that tell us?
The activity rewards all these factors. There is correlation between data and outcomes of the portfolio. Spend time on the discussion; look to weave in:
Collaborating across teams can lead to more speed and broader hypotheses testing
It is up to us to proactively look for information that exists across our division and the group.
The things that help create good recommendations help us to go from assembly to impact. These things have been distilled down and are explained in a film.
Now we’ve seen an overview of the GUIDES principles – let’s get to know them a little better.
This is likely a good point for a break! (Do you like to have a break, 5 mins , 10 mins, good , then we will back on xxx)


assembly [a sem blee]
mural [meur al]
browser [brow zer]
technology [tek nol o gee]
variety [va reye a tee]
efficiencies [ee fish en sees]
individually [in di vij yoo uly]
implement [im pla ment]
generic [ja ner ik]
verifying [ver i fi ying]
analyzing [ana lie zing]
algorithms [al go rih thum]
obstacle [ob stick ul]
rationale [rash un al]
numeral [noo mer ul]
hypothesize [high poth a size]
hypotheses [high poth a sees]
submitted [sub mit tid]
uncertainty [un sir ten tee]
correlation [kor a lay shun]
collaborating [ko lab ber ate ing]