VIP Class Notes (Lily)


look up “defi” (decentralized finance)


1.recently= 最近
ex: how are you doing recently?

2.realize (verb)= 意识到
ex: I realize that you can make money with defi.
ex: I realize that bitcoin is a good business.

3. find (verb)= 丢了 再找到
ex: I can’t find my phone.
ex: I found my phone.

4. license plate= 车牌
ex: I haven’t got my license plate.

5. competitive (adj)= 有竞争力的 好斗的
compete (verb)
ex: He is very competitive, he always wants to be number 1.
ex: She’s very competitive, she likes to compete with others.

6. drop= 掉下去
ex: i dropped my phone, and my screen cracked.
ex: I dropped my cat by accident.

7. lost= 丢了 不见了
ex: I lost my phone, I can’t find it.
ex: I lost my e-cig. (e-cigarette).

8. twins=2 babies that look the same 双胞胎
ex: Some people like twins.

Speaking exercise

We’re in the final stages of finishing our website construction.

I am confident in my cv.

what are you up to recently?