VIP Class Notes (Li)


territory – area of land occupied by an animal

ex. Two male hamsters might fight each other for territory.

lifespan – length of time in which a living thing lives

ex. What’s the lifespan of a shark?

nocturnal – active at night

ex. Some animals like rats or hamsters are nocturnal.

carnivores – meat eaters

ex. Sharks are carnivores.

outsmart – defeat or beat somebody else

ex. Big nose always tries to outsmart Pink Panther, but always fails.


search on/do research on the internet

Speaking exercise

Nibbles and Jerry was holding some toys there.

Nibbles and Jerry are holding some toys there. 

It’s a mouse that’s eating a chicken leg.

A new playground because the playground in our school now is very small.

A new playground because the playground (currently) in our school now is very small.

There are 24 or 25 classes in my school.

There are around/approximately 24 to 25 classes in my school.

Saw on the internet

She found it on the internet

There are many hamsters in the pet shop and one of them is looking at my mother. The others are all eating or playing. That hamster is looking at my mother all the time. It seems that it was going to cry.

There were many hamsters at the pet shop and one of them was looking at my mother. The others were all eating or playing. That hamster was looking at my mother all the time. It seems like it was going to cry.

The master of the shop.

The owner of the shop/The shop-owner.

Both of them want to be a mailman and they started competing, competing who can deliver the package to the destination first.

Both of them want to be the mailman so they start competing to see who can deliver the package to the destination first.

Finally, Big nose try a lot of ways to beat Pink Panther, but he lose.

Big nose tries a lot of ways to beat Pink Panther, but he loses in the end.