VIP Class Notes (Li)


5 minutes by foot – walking

box office – ticket sales; place where tickets are sold

member-only exclusive content – limited to some people

it’s acceptable – okay

disease – an illness

Speaking exercise

I think you pay for the ticket is to support.

I think when you pay for the ticket, you’re paying to support.

They will more see China market seriously.

They will more see China market seriously.

They will take the China market more seriously.

The money price is not high. It’s totally okay for me.

The price is not that high/not too ridiculous. It’s totally acceptable.

You need so many process to get a movie in the cinema.

The process is complicated/You need to go through a long process to get a movie in the cinema.

No one noticed this is a problem.

No one noticed this problem/realised this is an issue.

One is you speaking in Chinese.

One is you speaking in Chinese.

One is to speak in Chinese.