VIP Class Notes (Ally)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


patience: PA-shens patient(adj)

fundamental: 十分重大的; 根本的; 基础的; 基本的; 不能再分的;

force: make you do something you don’t want
ie. Longer speaking exercises will force you to make more complex sentences.

conTENT: 满意; 满足; 愿意, less than happy
ie. I’m content at my work-> not really like , but OK.

concrete: solid
ie. Do you have a concrete plan?

society: 社会



“how to say” – bad Chinese subtitle
= uhh, like, … how do you/I say… “I mean…”

Speaking exercise

I can touch many people.
I can talk with/communicate with/get to know many people.

I think I can help them, make them more…
I think I can help them, make them more comfortable at their work/adapt to their work job/satisfied with their work/content/make them feel OK about their jobs.

If he finds a mistake… he think…
If he finds what he thinks is a mistake.

If you need me to say this independently..

I’m be the HR for more than 10 years.
I have been working as HR for more than 10 years.

Firstly, you will need -> noun
… to be active. (verb)

We need to obey the law./follow the regulations/be legal in our actions.

The employee is the most important of the company…
building blocks of the company..

we can listening, we can reading… make the text…
we can do listening, we can do reading… recognise the text… answer questions…

We don’t need to presentation or need to say something.
We don’t need to present anything/do presentations (noun) or say anything.

Sometimes I will need to answer some questions or introduce the situation about our team.
Sometimes I would need to answer some questions or tell them about our team./introduce our team.

I’m searching the new job opportunity.
I’m searching for a new job opportunity.

His experience is very close our request, then I can think it’s the suitable candidate.
His experience is very close to/similar to/aligned with our requests, then I would decide/think/I can decided/I can/would believe he is the suitable candidate.

He can know how about the work and not leave us quickly.
He can understand the requests of the work and not leave us quickly.

In China, we have to quickly do our work, our life… we need the already people.
In China, we live a fast-paced life. It’s the same for work. We like the employees/candidates who adapt very quickly to the work… we put him in the situation, and he can already work.


recognise: re-con-nize