VIP Class Notes (Li)


Why do you think Scar killed Mufasa?

Did he benefit from killing Mufasa?


fourth – 4th

come forth –  forward

play tricks on somebody – to lie or pull pranks on a person

ex. You think you can play tricks on me!? No way!

cheer for somebody/cheer somebody on – to encourage somebody when they’re doing something

I watch it on repeat – again and again


What were you doing this morning? 

– use the past continuous (-ing) tense

ex. I was eating breakfast.

Two things happening at the same time 

ex. While I was eating breakfast, my mother told me to get ready.

ex. I was eating breakfast while I was doing my homework.

Tell me what you did last weekend? 

-use the past tense

ex. I had a hockey match.

Speaking exercise

Coffee bar

Coffee shop 

I can eat dinner on the car.

I can eat dinner in the car.

Cook grandpa

Chef grandpa

I remember in my small time I like Slam Dunk.

I remember when I was little, I already liked Slam Dunk.

No things I can’t remember

There’s nothing that I don’t remember//I remember everything.  

One people always says that red-haired person is stupid.

One person/Someone always says that red-haired person is stupid.