VIP Class Notes (Li)


surname – the family name

ex. Zhou is a surname.

first name – the name you’re given

ex. Jerry is your first name.


present perfect tense – to say what you have done

has/have+ past participle (drawn/heard/eaten/written)

ex. I have drawn several comics in my notebook.

ex. She has left a note for us on the fridge.

past perfect tense – to say that one event happened before another in the past

had + past participle (drawn/heard/eaten/written)

ex.When they arrived we had already finished cooking.

ex. He was tired because he hadn’t slept well.

Speaking exercise

He is thin and tall but looks shorter than me.

He is thin and tall but he looks shorter than me.

There is a very short kid in my class. Just here.

There is a very short kid in my class. He’s just up to my neck/He just reaches my neck.

Some of them are even taller than me.

I hear that as well.

I heard that as well.

We can’t go out to the playground.

We can’t go to/play on the playground.

We have baseball classes before. But, because of the virus, the baseball classes are all cancelled.

We had baseball classes before. But, because of the virus, the baseball classes were all cancelled.

We just learned a few knowledge about baseball. I just played for 4 or 5 lessons.

We just learned a few things about baseball/We just had a few baseball lessons. We just played for 4 to 5 times.