VIP Class Notes (JJ)



crash: 突然觉得很累, 很困 (verb)

Ex: Usually after I have lunch, I always crash.

I need a coffee, I can feel that I’m crashing.

greasy food: 油腻的食物

placebo effect: 心理作用

keto diet: 生酮减肥法

bulletproof coffee: 黄油咖啡

intermittent diet: 间接性减肥法

carbs: 碳水化和物

oatmeal: 麦片

periods: 月经

hips: 垮

sophisticated: 优美,气质好,高级感,精致的

saggy: 下垂的

bralette: 简易bra

effective: 有效果的

hip dips: 跨凹陷