VIP Class Notes (Li)


Write a paragraph about some policies in the gaming industry.


give/provide some advice

fast-paced – moving or developing very quickly

ex. fast-paced work environment

day-to-day work – work that you do daily

business trip – 出差

competition – 竞争

ex. There is a lot of competition in this industry.

escape room – 密室逃脱

exhibitions – 展览

ex. Have you been to any exhibitions lately?

comes from/originates from 

convenient – 方便

ex. Nowadays people prefer playing games on the smartphone because it is more convenient.

nintendo – 任天堂

zombie – 僵尸

exchange a gift/a secret/numbers/name cards

Speaking exercise

This job is busy but I can make a fast promotion.

This job is busy but there are opportunities for a fast/quick promotion/I can get promoted quickly.

I didn’t do other jobs and it’s my first and only job I ever do so I think I like it.

I haven’t tried/had other jobs and it’s my first and only job thathave ever done so I think I like it.

I will exchange my job.

I will change my job/will get a new job.

We need to write the week report about some industry for next week.

We need to write the weekly report for next week about some industry.

We always have to do some research, write some research better than tong hang.

We always have to research and write a report and do it better than our competitors.

I was complete the game with the help of my friends

I completed the game with the help of my friends.


communicate – cuh-mew-ni-cate (like gate)

diablo – d-ah-blow

competitors – com-pe-tee-tors