VIP Class Notes (Li)

Today we focused on:

Matching Questions 

Matching information: 

What is the focus of this question type?

– To scan for specific information 

-Information and questions do not follow a chronological order

-Read the instructions carefully because sometimes it will tell you that you can use the letters more than once

Matching features: 

What is the focus of this question type?

-To recognise relationships and connections between facts/theories/opinions

-What did the researchers find? What are they opinions? Is what they’re saying a fact or an opinion?

-Skim & scan – scan for the keywords in the options – skim the paragraph for important information

Matching headings: 

What is the focus of this question type?

-To test your understanding of the main idea or the central theme in the paragraphs

-Look at the topic sentence & the supporting details

-Some paragraphs are not included in the task