VIP Class Notes (Li)


Read a bit of “A diary of a Wimpy Kid” and we’ll talk about it tomorrow.

Bring one of the ‘My Weird School’ books for tomorrow.


describe – to say or write what someone or something is

ex. Can you describe yourself?

leader – you’re head of a team

ex. I would like to be the leader of my ice hockey team.

lead – verb

misbehave – acting like a bad dog/child

ex. My dog doesn’t misbehave but he is not always friendly to other people.

mean – not nice

ex. My dog went to pet school because he is mean.

junk food – food like hamburgers, pizza, chips, chocolate etc.

comedy – funny books/film/play/stories

action – books/film/play/stories that have fighting/cars racing/Transformers/Marvel

war films –  fighting between countries/groups


I am tall/short/clever/thin

I look cool/s

health vs healthy 

health – noun 

ex. I have good health because I only eat fruits, vegetables and meat.

healthy – adjective 

ex. I  only eat healthy food because I don’t like junk food.

Speaking exercise

I am a clever and cute person.

I look like strong and I look like cool.

I am strong and cool. 

I like talking to people.

I cool as a tiger and tigers are strong

I am as cool as a tiger and tigers are strong

Sometimes I cute like a rabbit and sometimes I am clever like a rabbit

Sometimes I am cute and clever like a rabbit

I haven’t a dog now because the dog goes to pet school.

I don’t have a dog now because my dog goes to pet school.

He was 4 years old or 3 years old he can come back.

He will come back when he is 3 or 4 years old. 

I don’t like junk food because they are not health

I don’t like junk food because they are not healthy 

I like to eat pizza because it is nice/delicious and healthy.

I watched them for five years ago


cool – kool (long sound)