VIP Class Notes (Li)


What are the characteristics of superficial people to you? How do you usually interact with them?


execute – to put into action/effect

ex. Our team decided to execute the plans as soon as next week.

put sth aside/set sth aside – to not consider or include something/put sth away or stop doing sth

ex. Let’s set our differences aside and work together to finish this project.

ex. I set this book aside to start writing my report.

sly – to behave like a fox figuratively

girls are more well-behaved/good-mannered  

abbreviation – short form of a phrase/word

ex. BTW is the abbreviation for “By The Way”.

emoji – the smiley face pictures on messaging apps

allergic – when your body has a bad response towards a substance

ex. I’m allergic to seafood/fish.

sensitive – to react negatively to another person/an issue/idea

ex. Talking about gender equality is a sensitive topic for many people.

Speaking exercise

I used to be a socialise editor and did some works on marketing job and communicate with clients

I used to be a social media editor and worked in the marketing sector/industry/department and communicated with clients

There are also some disadvantage of this kind of people.

There are also some disadvantages to this kind of people.

You should ask the need or demands of clients.

You should know/get to know the demands of clients.

Working in a team group.

Working in a team setting/groups/Teamwork is… 

But, sometimes this target is conflict.

But, sometimes the differences are conflicting.  

They maybe argue.

They might argue.

Maybe it’s a hard job for us to communicate with each other.

Maybe it’s difficult for us to communicate with each other.

If someone like you

If someone likes you