VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

In the weekend, when weather is good.


On the weekend, when the weather is good.


In the …

In the morning, afternoon, evening

In three days

On the …

On the weekend

On Monday

On January 4th


Month + number of day + th

The number of day + th + month

Ex: February 16th

The 16th of February


basket: 篮子

human labor: 人工

mount something on the wall; 把什么东西装到墙上

Ex: Matthew thought about mounting his bike on the wall.

prank: 恶作剧

prankster: 做恶作剧的人

flavorful: 很有味道的, full of flavors

acquired taste: 是根据经历培养的口味

bland: 淡的 (口味)

lamb: 羊肉

new year’s resolution: 新年的计划/目标(想要改善的东西)

reflect: 反省


Reflect on year 2020 and write about your goals for 2021.