VIP Class Notes (Li)


organs – internal parts of your body (heart, lungs, kidneys)

earn/make a living – make money

splendid – magnificent

compliment – praise

ex. After they bandaged his face, he complimented the doctors for doing a good job.

fire-eaters – the performers who can spit out fire


break – machines

break – body parts with bone

ex. break an arm/leg

organs/no bones  – damage

ex. My heart/damaged is damaged.

fall out – hair

ex. My hair fell out so I’m going bald.

Speaking exercise

Like in Harry Potter there is Professor Moody, he can look through anything with his magic eye

His eyes just broke

His eyes are damaged 

Whenever he goes to a new town, he must go to the largest hospital and let the doctors to bandage his eyes.

Whenever he goes to a new town, he must go to the largest hospital and let the doctors bandage his eyers.

He needs the doctors to cover his eyes to help him with his performance.

They stick it with dough

They sealed his eyes with dough and put a layer of cotton wool to cover his lids. Then they bandage his eyes and wrap it around his head.

The doctors chase him and Imhrat Khan and he can see like a normal person. The doctor buy a ticket to see his show.

The doctors test him and Imhrat Khan can see like a normal person. The doctor buys a ticket to watch his show.