Online Class Notes (Li)


landfill – a place where rubbish is dumped

textile – clothing materials

social image (of a brand)

social responsibility 


landfill – noun

-able – can be

biodegradable – can be biodegraded

refundable – can be refunded

exchangeable – can be exchanged

-ful – full of + adj’s meaning


Speaking exercise

Textile waste

It needs improvement and clothes in landfills need 200 years to biodegrade.

Water that cannot be drink

Water that cannot be drunk 

Drinkable water 

It will be biodegraded.

Companies will recycle a special type of materials and they can only recycle this type of materials.

Companies will recycle some special types of materials and they can only recycle these types of materials.

Build a good social image of the brand 

Create an illusion that they are a responsible brand

They may get subsidy from the government or the public

They may be subsidised by the government

The public will support themÂ