VIP Class Notes (Li)


mad scientist – crazy scientist

beaker – glass container for you to put liquids in

typewriter – old machine that has many keys

portable – can be easily carried or moved

built to last – well made and cannot break easily

ex. This Lays phone is built to last. You can throw it from 100 floors and it will still survive.

heal people – make people get better

phone signal – 2g/4g/5g

cell tower – large tower structures that transmit signal

iPhone case – the outer ‘clothing’ of an iPhone


trains your brain

Speaking exercise

make some special poison

make some special chemicals 

That generation they has playstation 

When they are in middle school or high school they play the phone game

When they were in middle school and high school, they played phone games

the game out at 3 years old

this game came out when I was 3 years old 

once on weekdays and once on Saturdays 

We can let them feel blind

We can blind them 

buy it just now

buy it nowÂ