VIP Class Notes (Li)


Write a short story about evil Santa.


trick – bad activities that you can play on other people

treat – sweets

crime – a bad thing you do that gets you in trouble with the police


decorate – verb

ex. You can decorate the house with pumpkins.

decoration – noun

ex. There are some decorations in the house.

Speaking exercise

It’s black and white, like a panda.

The cup is a head of the fox.

The cup is shaped like the head of a fox.

The ship is an actual old ship.

This ship is from the past.

The people in this house will give the children some candies.

The people in the houses will give the children some candies.

Take your own money

I’ll take your money 

I’m going to rob you 

He has some blood on his clothes. His eyes are red. And maybe the gifts are skeletons.

An evil Santa who gives out evil eggs which will hatch evil chicks.

Maybe the chicks will treat some candy

Maybe the chicks will give out some candy

The evil Santa wants to control the whole town.

Because Santa is evil so whatever he plays with will become evil.