VIP Class Notes (Li)


claw machine – a box-shaped machine that has many dolls in it that you can try to catch

hibernate – when animals sleep in winter

parakeet – a small parrot

chinchilla – a giant, round hamster-like animal

strewn – spread everywhere

inside voice – the voice in your brain

leash – a long rope or chain used to keep your pet near you

ex. The boy’s teacher told everyone to keep the leashes tied to their desks.

go downhill – to get worse

ex. Once they got on the bus, everything started to go downhill.


play with somebody/something

bite -> bit (past tense)

Speaking exercise

And the bear just drop down

And the bear just dropped into a hole.

The first time my dad was catching and he catch four times and he didn’t catch anything.

My dad tried four times and he didn’t catch anything.

It’s not very hurt

It’s not very painful 

Little White will very stinky

Little White will be very stinky.

Maybe cats and dog will fight.


crate – cray-ate

leash – lee-shh (long sound)