Online Class Notes (Li)


zookeepers – people who feed and take care of zoo animals

cruel – to hurt others and not feel sorry about it

poor condition – the state of sth is bad

ex. Animals in some zoos live in poor conditions.

stereotypies – repetitive animal behaviour like hair pulling, licking and so on

empathy – to be able to feel and share the experiences of others

ex. People with empathy can feel other people’s emotions.

breed – to reproduce more animals

ex. Zoos have many breeding programmes.

sanctuary – a large wildlife reserve

Speaking exercise

I’ve went to

I’ve just been to dance class 

I’m the oldest people in the class

I’m the oldest person in class 

They think the people don’t feed much food to the animals.

They think people don’t feed enough food to the animals.

They think people are being cruel to the animals.

For example, dolphins, I see a video, it’s  talking about dolphins are being forced to perform. They pretend to smile, pretend to be happy.

For example, I watched a video about dolphins and it shows that dolphins are being forced to perform. They pretend to smile and be happy.

She is watching the people and listening to the people.

She is watching and listening to the visitors.

If species are going extinct, the animals in the zoo can replace them.

If species are endangered/going extinct, animals in the zoo can replace them.

The animals in the zoo can’t hunt well like the animals in the wild.

The animals in the zoo can’t hunt well compared with the animals in the wild.