VIP Class Notes (Li)


5/no of times – 5倍

ex. Project A is 5 times of project B.

opposite – 对面

ex. BMS is just opposite this building.

accompany – go somewhere with somebody

ex. Sometimes I need to accompany the sales to the client’s office.

measure/quantify your work – 量化

ex. Without a KPI, it is hard for our boss to measure our work.


depend on sbd/sth

ex. They will depend on us to support them with their work.

What does this word mean? – verb

What is the meaning of this word? – noun 

Speaking exercise

It’s consult stage

We’re still in the consulting/early stage.

There are a lot of pharma company.

There are a lot of pharmaceutical companies.

My responsibility is needn’t to maintain between customers.

My responsibility does not include maintaining customer relations./It’s not necessary for me to maintain the relationship with customers.

We will go to with them to understand the product deeply.

We will accompany them to understand the product better.

We can not busy.

We won’t be so busy.

Maybe I can get a 20% increase

Maybe I can get a 20% salary increase/20% raise. 

I just can understand their means…

I couldn’t understand what they said/mean.