VIP Class Notes (Li)


mechanic – a person who fixes cars

dent – part of the surface that bends in

beeper – the sound an alarm system makes

what a bargain! – 赚到了

verification code – 验证码

verify – verb

ex. The app wants me to verify my ID.

no point in doing sth

ex. There’s no point in buying a fuel car if the plate is so difficult to get.


my father was almost retired – not yet retired

my father retired – retired

hit/cut/put ->same past tense

Speaking exercise

I had a car crash. That time I talked with my cousin. When I reverse my car, I talk with my cousin. I hit another car.

I crashed/scratched my car. While I was reversing my car, I was talking with my cousin. I hit/scratched/bumped into another car.

The mechanic told me it’s difficult to fix the car.

The mechanic told me it’s difficult to fix the car/paint the car the same colour.

They can fix the car, but it took them one month.

I don’t pay attention to alert sound.

didn’t pay attention to alert system/beeper.

Most of people

Most people