VIP Class Notes (Li)


laser pen – 雷射笔

he majored in philosophy

philosopher – 哲学家

blind date – 相亲

ex. My roommate went on a blind date.

compatible – pi pei

ex. That couple looks very compatible.

get off work – finish work

it results in/the outcome is 

playmate – wan ban

Speaking exercise

This boy have some similar things to his ex-boyfriend.

This boy shares some things in common with her ex-boyfriend.

They are very curious about me and they want to see me married with a man.

They are eager/they hope to see me married to a man.

My dad just take out his iPad and show me 3 boys’ picture and began to introduce them.

My dad just took out his iPad and showed me the pictures of 3 boys and began to introduce them.

Give me some short paragraph about yourself

Send me a short paragraph about yourself

Their boyfriend are both stable.

They both have stable/solid relationships

Sometimes I feel boring

Sometimes I feel bored 

Handtake camera

Handheld camera


specific – spuh-si-fik