Online Class Notes (Ally)


What’s going to happen to the electric car’s batteries? Future of smart cars?


get-together: small hang out (n)
ie. We have a small get-together at my place on Xmas.

hobo: homeless people

metaverse: 元宇宙

advertising stunt: 意在引人注意的花招; 愚蠢行为; 危险举动;

actualized: realized



remote/rural areas: 边远地区; 偏远地区

outdated/outmoded: out le

youth (older): 青春<>childhood (younger)

hydrid: 混合


would: a habit, what usually happens
ie. I would call you if there’s an emergency.
ie. I would feel very upset whenever that happened.

will: specific future tense

Speaking exercise

They studied AI knowledge from 6 years old.
They would (会) study AI since 6 years old.

We have new promising industries.
There are some new promising industries.
I read about some new promising industries.

I didn’t decide.
I haven’t decided yet.