VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

ex-company —> former/previous company, last company

the company couldn’t alive —> the company might not survive


previous: 之前的

Ex: my previous job

successful: 顺利的

Ex: My previous job wasn’t successful

cruise: 邮轮

long-term: 长期的

How do you like it so far? 你目前感觉怎么样?

equipment: 器材

even though: 虽然

overwork: 过度工作

test the waters: 试试水温,试探态度

harass: 骚扰

ever since he hired me 自从他雇用了我

ever since: 自从

Ex: Ever since I started to work for myself, I have been working every single day.

every single day: 每一天(强调每一天都在做的一件事情)

burn out: 工作透支 (动词)

Ex: I feel so burnt out (形容词).

coworkers: colleagues

we didn’t know each other that well: 我们以前不怎么熟

we didn’t know each other: 我们以前不认识

everyone seems nice: 大家看上去都很好

seem: 看上去

Ex: You seem burnt out.

the clients are gone, they are no longer with us: 客户走, 他们不和我们做生意了

no longer: 不再怎么样了

Ex: You seem no longer burnt out.

send the client a shipment

receive a payment

he caught COVID

pre-existing medical condition:  已经存在潜在的疾病

he passed away: 他过世了

I wanted to work for myself :我想自己做。

socialize: 社交

Ex: how to socialize with my colleagues



months —> monS

burnt out —> burn-tout


Why women kill – watch at least one episode of this show and be ready to discuss it next class.