VIP Class Notes (JJ)


disciplined: 自律的 adj.

Ex: JJ is not a very disciplined person.

discipline: 自律 n.

Ex: It takes a lot of discipline to lose weight.

significant: 明显的

Ex: significant increase

guts: 脾胃

skin allergies: 皮肤过敏

Western medicine: 西医

Chinese medicine: 中药

naturopathy: 自然疗法

carbon footprint: 碳排放量

Ex: The goal is for us to reduce our carbon footprint to save the environment.

competitive: 竞争激烈的

environment: 环境

Ex: I don’t want my kids to grow up in such a competitive environment.

new hires: 新上岗的员工

law of attraction: 吸引力法则

match made in heaven: 绝配

material: 材质

matte: 哑光的

lid: 盖子

handle: 手把

ladder: 梯子

ornament: 装饰

lean against something: 靠在某个东西上

attract: 吸引

reliable: 靠谱的,可靠的

negative emotions: 负面情绪