VIP Class Notes (JJ)


democrat: 民主党的

republican: 共和党的

I need a drink: 我需要喝一杯

to affect: 影响

Q: What’s your prescription:你眼睛度数多少?

A: My prescription is minus nine. (900 度)

minus: 减

prescription: 处方,度数(眼睛)

astigmatism: 散光

contact lenses: 隐形眼镜 (contacts)

Ex:JJ doesn’t wear glasses at work, she only wears contacts.

lenses: 镜片

glasses: 眼镜

Ex: I do not wear glasses at work, I only wear glasses when I drive.

near-sightedness: 近视

far-sightedness: 远视

sight: 视力,风景


view: 风景

visual: 视觉上的

visualize: 设想 (动词)

sigh: 叹气

drama: 勾心斗角

I heard that …: 我听说。。。

meddle: 搞事情 (动词)

meddler: 搞事情的人

stay away from____: 离某个人远点

leasing agent: 房屋中介

policy: 政策

compliance: 遵守,遵守

housing: 住房

younger populations: 年轻人群组

foreigner: 外国人

out of province people: 外地人

strict: 严格的

citizen: 公民

good for him: 为他高兴

good for you: 为你高兴

pregnant: 怀孕的


prescription: priiis-kription

minus: 脉-nus

sightedness: sai-ted-ness