VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise


to dodge a bullet: to avoid something really bad

scorpio: 天蝎

insomnia: 失眠

state: 状态

Ex: She was not in a good state.

buffer: 缓冲

impatient: 没耐心的

idiot: 笨蛋

to be attached to someone

Ex: the guy I was attached to/the guy I was talking to

to call someone out for something: 跟某人关于某个事情对质

Ex: I called him out for always being late.

to give someone the benefit of the doubt: 先不要下定论关于某人

Ex: Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt before you get to know him more.

uncommonly used: 不常用的

Ex: Some Chinese words are difficult to write because they are not commonly/uncommonly used.

stingy: 抠门的

ungrateful: 不感恩的

flight attendant: 空姐